AN IGBO CIVILIZATION, Nri Kingdom and Hegemony.
Nri Warriors of Peace.
Olaedo Equiano (1789)
G.T. Basden (1902,1921)
A.G. Leonard (1906)
M.A. Talbot (1926)
Northcote Thomas (1930)
C.D. Forde and G.I. Jones (1950)
Professor Kenneth Dike (1956)
F.K. Elechi (1971)
M.D. Jeffreys (1972)
A.E. Afigbo (1973), (1981)
Prof. M. A. Onwuejeogwu (1981)
B.I.O Odinanwa (1987, 1993)
D.C. Ohadike (1975)
Cardinal Arinze Francis (1970)
P.J.O. Nwadirigwe (1999)
Uche P. Keanyibe (1997).
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