The Nri Kingdom: Written by Eze Nri, Nri Enwelana II, Obidiegwu Onyeso

NRI KINGDOM is the oldest Kingdom in Nigeria. It was founded around 900AD by the progenitor, Eri, the son of Gad. According to biblical accounts, Jacob had Leah as his wife who begot four sons for him. When Leah noticed she had passed child-bearing age, she gave her maid – servant, Zilpah to Jacob to wife, and through Zilpah he had a son named Gad. Gad then bigot Eri, who later formed a clan known as Erites vide Genesis Chapter 30 verse 9; 46 verse 16 and Numbers chapter 26 verses 15-19. Eri was therefore amongst the twelve tribes of Israel via Gad....

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Dreaming, Religion and Society in Africa

An excerpt from Dreaming, Region and Society in Africa. This book is a most read for all Igbo people who care know about their history. It includes accounts from credible sources who were able to document Igbo events and traditions in early 19th century as opposed to recent and adulterated

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Nri Obalike

From Thomas Northcote's Anthropological report on the Ibo-speaking peoples of Nigeria Part I (1913) page 49.

Chief Onysoh

From Thomas Northcote's Anthropological report on the Ibo-speaking peoples of Nigeria Part I (1913).

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